The Speech Lady

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thing 2

I'm still not comfortable with blogging to the entire universe or virtual strangers. In my classes I make a point of creating an atmosphere where all opinions can be expressed and respected. But what concerns me about blogging is the manner some people comment. I've read too many mean, hostile, and critical comments that just weren't constructive. Who wants to participate in that? So for years I've been a "lurker." (I think that's the term used in chat rooms.) Writing on the Internet is a little intimidating for me because I'm not used to broadcasting my opinions and I don't share my opinions with everyone. When you post, anyone can read it. And once you've posted it, it's out there--maybe forever--to be judged by others for better or worse.

Will it change how I write? I'm sure it will. I'll select my words carefully because written messages can be ambiguous and easily misinterpreted. I will be sensitive towards others. I'll try not to over analyze the topic of discussion and just be me.

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Thing 1

I've watched the "Pay Attention" video multiple times and it still fascinates me. It has that "wow" factor, the same factor that learning should have for our students. I've shared the video with colleagues and my middle school principal. It has receive mixed reaction.
We should be using the technology that students use daily and - effortlessly. This was reinforced for me just last week. A student I was testing received a text message. She looked at her phone and then returned it to her pocket. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to stop and ask, "Did you get a text message?" The student said, "Yeah. From my friend. She wants to know what I'm doing?" I told her to text the friend and tell her what she was doing (taking a test). I didn't want my student preoccupied with getting back to her friend at the risk of not focusing on the task at hand and doing her best. More examples: I was with my 15 year old cousin who asked to "hang out" with me. While he wasn't very talkative with me, he was fiercely texting friends! Another cousin, closer to my age, phoned me to ask why I hadn't responded to his text messages. I told him "I don't text." When I checked my phone I had 43 text messages!
I'm participating in 23 Things because I want to learn about Web 2.o and the ways I can use it in my speech/language program and the communication courses I teach. I really want (and need) to engage my students, enhance their thinking and learning, and make education relevant, exciting, and interactive for them.
On the other hand, I fear that texting (and e-mail) can become too impersonal when used as the primary way one communicates. I prefer to hear your voice rather than use texting as a primary mode of communicating. Okay. Okay. I'm trying to bring my attitude and behavior into the 21st century without discarding my 20th century foundation.

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